Here in middle Tennessee, my property borders 1,600 acres of woods owned by a paper company from out west. Up until 2 years ago, anyone could get a permit to hunt it for $35.00, or to hunt any of the other several-thousand-acre tracts also owned by the same folks in the same area. Now that one 1600 tract is leased by a "hunting club" of 7 or 8 wealthy fellows from the Nashville area, and last I checked it was 750.00 a year for dues to become a member of the hunting club in order to hunt that land. I can hunt my own 10 acres, find a friend with a farm that will let me hunt, hunt public land which is now becoming full of displaced hunters or just forget it. And I don't want to forget it.

If it were supposed to be easy, they'd have sent my little sister to do it.