Last season I was hunting up in the mountain behind my house and had one crazy experience. I was in my tree and a 4 point cam walking strait at my tree followed by a 7 point. At 50 yds I easily raise my gun up to an easy shot. "Bang" Nothing moves!! The 4 point is 30yds away and the 7 point at 50 yds froze like a rock. I notice a limb about 10 yards away with a perfect trench cut in it. Since I forgot my wrist band cartridge carrier I start digging in my pockets desperately looking for a 2nd round and after what seemed like a full minute I found one. I reload, rise up a little to clear the limb, cross hares on the sweet spot, bang and the 7 point is dead before he hits the ground. I expect the 4 point to flag and run but he didn’t even flinch. 30 minutes later he finally walks off. Has anyone had anything like this happen to you before?