I bought my first gun magazine in 1986 (I was 13). It was Guns and Ammo and it had an article about custom bigbore sixguns from Hamilton Bowen with the prettiest Grey Ruger Bisley in 500 linebaugh, if I remember right. From that moment I was hooked so I got every gun magazine I could about big bore revolvers. I noticed most were written by Ross Seyfried. It wasn't long before Ross became my favorite author. His articles formed my ideas of what a proper hunting revolver should be. I still remember his articles on shooting Cape Buffalo and Lions with his heavy 45, 475, and 500s, from then on my goal was to chase dangerous game with a revolver. To date I have taken a number of deer and hogs but this summer I will get my first chance to tackle buffalo with a revolver. In this case Water Buffalo but Cape Buffalo are schedule for 2011.