I'm Cal. I have a ranch in East Texas and I noticed a couple of years ago that I frequently saw wild pigs when I was on my tractor (and away from my rifle). So I got a Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter and put a Burris 2X scope on it and put it in a big holster that sits right in the middle of my chest when I am driving my tractor. I have since killed many wild pigs with this rig and I thought I was making some progress.

However, just this morning I drove into my 10 acre hay meadow and discovered that since last Thursday, pigs have destroyed about 30% of the meadow. Sometimes the battle against those dang things seems like a lost cause - but I keep on trying.

In addition to wild hogs I have successfully hunted whitetail deer, coyotes, bobcats and numerous other varmints with my handgun. IT is a constant companion now when I am at my ranch, whether I am in my truck, on my tractor or walking.