my $0.02=
the 14"is the one i have.buddies have the 10's and the 12's.shot pattern does not chande with any of the barrel lenhgts,just the muzzle blast of the 10 can be annoying.
i prefer a 4 shot load.seems the 6 and even the 7.5's have no balls to get threw even the slightest peice of brush.
will kill/hit rabbits out to 20 yards/after that you may need a dog to get the game run down,it will be hit but sometimes not dead.
here are some clips of me/ can veiw all our pics at

these are some i threw together to show ya how i use my 410

Last edited by 410; 08/05/2009 3:29 PM.
the gun is---thompson-center 14"barrel..410 usually #6shot in 2 1/2"shell