Originally Posted By: Gary
The biggest problem with the cheap muffs is that you can't determine direction and they don't shut off as quickly as the good ones. I've not tried the caldwell ones though - sounds like some folks have had good luck with them.

I agree on several points. The expensive ones are pricey for a reason...the shut off times are quicker and they have stereo mic's.

The Caldwells were an experiment on my part. I had never tried electronic muffs and wanted to try a set without dumping a pile of money. The first time I used hem in the field I was sold on them. I was deer hunting with a friend and we were several hundred yards apart watching a large field. He calls on the cell and says to turn around and look in his end of the field. Long story made short....he wanted me to shoot a deer at long range in his end (he was well off to the side). As we talked, I slipped on my Caldwells, turned them on, got settled behind the gun. All the while I was prone and had the cell on the ground next to me (not on speaker). I was able to hear him talking while I dialed for the conditions and he was telling me what deer to shoot.

When income tax refund time comes around, I can easily see myself dropping a few dimes on a good set. I'll have them for my kids also.

Exodus 20:5-11
Matthew 5:18
Revelation 22:14

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