As stated before it really depends on what, where and how you hunt. I don't think you can go wrong with a quality single shot to start out with though. I too started with a Contender and keep one with me in my truck almost every day. One can become proficient very quickly with a single shot. Now I have a couple Contenders, an Encore, the requisite barrel addiction for both and a several revolvers and I hunt with them all throughout the year. A revolver is a blast to hunt with and will give one a great feeling of accomplishment once you become proficient with it; however, the learning curve was greater for me. What ever you decide on though you will have to practice MUCH MORE to become proficient with a handgun, weather it is a scoped Encore in a belted magnum or an open sighted Ruger single six. And speaking of practice, a 22LR in either format is a great way to get started handgunning!