I brought my .500 S&W revolver on my bison hunt as my primary weapon and took along my Encore .375-06 JDJ as a back-up. It was a back-up first and foremost just in case I could not get close enough. I had faith that my revolver would function well mechanically. When the fellow with the first shot took his bison with a .300 ultra mag at 260 yards I began to think that perhaps I had best take out the Encore. I have faith in that weapon out to 400 yards. I can attach a bipod to it if need be. My revolver was limited to a tripod. As luck would have it I did get my revolver shot. It was at 110 yards but it was well within my .500 capabilities. I really did not want to use the single shot. I personally got more satisfation from using the revolver. My guide was impressed that's for sure.
