Howdy, My name is Jeff. I live in N E Texas. I have been hunting and fishing for around 40 years. I bought my first hangun (a Ruger single six)as a teen. Had to get my mom to purchase it for me because of being under age.In the early 80s I bought my first big gun. A Super Blackhawk in 44 mag. I realized the potential of this pistol one day shooting at head sized limestone rocks at 100 yds. So I started carring it on deer hunts. In 96 I saw an XP100R ad in a magazine and felt I needed one badly, LOL. I got one in 260 Rem because I felt it would be a good all around chambering.My freinds all laughed until they saw what it could do.IMPO it is every bit as lethal as a rifle if you have a prop to shoot from. Until a few years ago I did not know so many people are interrested in hangun hunting. It seems to have been around for many years and I didnt realize it. Elmer Keith for example.