Originally Posted By: bothbarrels
Expert marksman or not.... S...T still happens.

And the further you extend your shooting ranges, the better chances of S...T happening, and the game animal is the one that suffers ultimately.

Any argument so far?

Stalking a wary animal and closing the distance to make a more sure kill can be an ultimate challenge.

Any argument here?

On the other hand, shooting at them so far away that they don't realize they are being shot at, well, that is not what I consider a fair hunt for the quarry.

But, as has been said before here on this site, to each his own. Do what you feel is ethical for you and within your skill level.

Not trying to start a fight, just giving MHO.

Hey Buddy your preaching to the choir here. I've passed on a lot of shots while hunting with rifle, bow & handgun that were well within my skill level just because things weren't quite right.
So no argument here because like you said S**T HAPPENS I've even had S**T HAPPEN while shooting targets. I think you were just giving YHO but you did come across a little condescending