Now SKR you need one of them bang flop watchamacallits,to increase your doodas on your somethinorothers.hahahahahaha There are people, and I have been one myself,that will go buy what ever is praised at the time as the new do it all.In my opinion if you are getting the accuracy you desire,don't mess with what ain't broke.

Now this hunting thing,I was fortunate to be raised by an avid hunter.When I get the opportunity I shoot as much as I can with my son(he lives in another country).But here locally I take kids hunting.Kids whose parents work to much,don't hunt,or not around.Since I began this I have been extremely fortunate to have been with some for their first ever deer,first buck,and helped one get his first ever sitting alone.Hunting may dwindle away but I am doing my part,and that's what I have controll over.

"If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence,try orderin' someone else's dog around" unknown cowboy