Originally Posted By: SKR
...Barrel harmonics? What?....I have a background of phyics and math and I don't even WANT to read that...

My background is music and physics and how many ways you can tune them... LOL (Tig and I have had conversations relating a barrel to a bass fiddle string. You might laugh, but there some very good parallelisms!)

I love your enthusiasm and can see you have an interest in learning more by your presence here on the forum. If you have questions just ask... there are people here that will bend over backwards to help you!!

KYODE put it to me the best one time... A nice custom handgun is well worth the effort when it is finely completed, dispite the headaches along the way.

Ps. Jesus is the way the truth and the life...

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb
Benjamin Franklin