Two day hunt near Butler Ala. Sat. weather could not have been any better. NO DEER.So Sun. hunted a stand in the hardwoods with my 309JDJ. It was perfect until the wind shifted, so I felt my trip was going to be a bust. I walked back to the camp to sign out the stand on the pipeline that I hunted last trip.Then I did a bad thing.I took my rifle along just in case all the deer were out of pistol range.At 10:30 a club member drove his truck to my stand and I got out of the shooting house to talk. While talking I looked down the pipeline, and yes an 8 pt. was standing broadside 150yds out.My rifle was closer so that's what I used.One 8 pt. down,and still looking for my first with the SSK.Next year the rifle stays at HOME.