I have tried many types of open sights on revolvers. I personally did not get along well with the "peep" setup. However, I do not have binocular vision and that may have had an impact. In years past, I preferred a small gold bead and a V-notch rear (similar to the old 22 RF rifle sights). Our favorite "jackrabbit" guns were so modified. They were quite effective on jackrabbit sized target out to 100 yds of so.

Unfortunately, as the years have past my eyes are not as good as they were. Currently, such sights fuzz on me. I get along better now a square notch & a bold black post. I do not feel that I have the precision with it that I had with the others in past, but it beats not being able to see the sights.

I have accepted that I need either a scope or a dot for hunting puposes. I am no longer good enough with open sights to want to risk hunting with them.

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.