Thanks guys!
More than anything, the message I want to get out to specialty handgun shooters is that you do not let the gun rags, the long-time hunter, or even your own preconceived ideas/beliefs hold you back to what is possible.
Steve/sscoyote and I have been doubted, disbelieved, and called liars over the years. We have also been told, "That can't be done," or "It won't be accurate, etc."
What I am emphasizing is let your own experiences, prove what you are capable of not, some long standing tradition.
Then, if something doesn't work, find out what is not working, and fix it or get rid of it.

I have said all of this, to say this:
You can make the very same type of shots yourself if you so desire!!!
The point of the post is, NOT about what a handful of guys can do.
But rather, what many can do given the desire, some education and practice.

Ernie the Un-Tactical