I would like to share with you, particularly those that are unfortunate enough not to live in the country. Here, where I live, the wild life is not too varied --- doves, pheasant, various other birds, rabbits, skunks, etc., and later in the year many many geese. But down at Clarendon, much more.

Last night Roberta & I were sitting on the steps to the back porch. The turkeys that stay close to the house (a gobbler & 4 hens) were wanting to go to roost. We stopped talking and sat quietly. They finally went around to the front of the house & (one-by-one) flew over the house into the trees (just behind the house). When they landed into the trees (not 25 ft from us), they flopped and fluttered until they got on the limb that they wanted.

Today, a hen & her 8 little ones came up to the house to the corn feeder (and water). Deer tracks are in the yard (and across the shooting range) every night. The deer feast on Roberta's flowers and new trees. She gets aggravated, but she still likes the deer around.

We have 5 feeders out on that place & we keep them filled all year. We do not hunt there. We drive 500 miles or more to hunt. Those animals are our pets.

Is that stupid or not?

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.