az shooter,

The little place down at Clarendon is only 200 acres. However, it is surrounded on 3 sides by a large (for that area) ranch (about 25,000 acres). On the south side are just farms. Nearest neighbor is about a mile away, then another mile to the next one. It is literally at the "end of the road." It is 12 miles from the house to Clarendon.

Here in Hereford, my place is only about 1/2 mile out of town and I only have 4 acres (almost all of it in an arena).

Clarendon is 90 miles east of here & is more rolling terrain. Here the land is flat as a table and almost all farmland. Lot more native pasture down there and more wildlife.

However, around here the mule deer have moved into areas of CRP, an occasional mountain lion comes through, and the hogs have begun to encrouch. Here, hogs are vermin. Everyone shoots them on sight & usually either just leaves them where they fall or hauls them off to a pit somewhere. They are definitely not viewed as "game animals."

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.