Ellis Prarie
I will tell the rest of the story, before they start moving here.

Ticks. I set my steel clanger handgun target up today in the woods to practice my skills with my 44 and 480 Ruger for deer season, and so far I have picked off probably 6 ticks. I did not get 100 feet from the yard. I have sprayed the yard twice this summer. No bugs in the yard. I am taking the 4-wheeler to a neighbors probably tomorrow to spray their yard.

Copperheads: None so far this year. I normally kill 2 to 6 in the yard each year.

Cotton Mouth Water Mocassins: We have them in that nice creek I was talking about. I always take a gun with me to the creek. If you take a gun, you will not see a snake.

TimberRattlers & PigmyRattlers: We have them both, but normally you do not run across them unless you are a logger, and in the woods all the time.

We have Hornets and Yellow Jackets, plus several other bees living here.

Now the big one WAGES: Here in Paradise most jobs pay between Minimum Wage and around $12 an hour. That is why I drove 120 Miles a day back and forth to work forever.
Most folks cannot afford to live in paradise.

That is the rest of the story.

See You At The Range