az shooter,

Depends upon "what kind of job." Most of the Panhandle is dominated by large scale commercial agriculture (particularly cattle feedlots). Employment related directly to them and to the various businesses that service them is available.

Amarillo is the "big city" in the Panhandle (about 180,000). As the trade and population center for the area, many types of businesses are there & employment opportunities exist. However, we have no "heavy industries" here. The building trades have generally slowed down some over the past couple of years, but "niche" builders are still behind.

Because we are so dominated by agriculture, we are somewhat insulated from the "normal" vagarities of the economy. However, we are subject to fluctuations affecting agriculture.

I suppose that in certain fields, professions, or trades employment opportunities exist here. Wages (salaries) are not as high as they are in the "big cities" (Dallas, Houston, etc) but the cost of living is also not as high.

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.