Sunday night I was talking with Magman and he mentioned that he needed to pull a bunch of 475 caliber bullets. I offered to send him my RCBS collet puller and the 475 caliber collet. I got it out and took the 22 caliber collet out and went to thread the 475 collet in, it would not start. I looked down inside and the top 2 threads were galled. Bummer! I called RCBS Monday morning and explained what the problem was and ask the guy if he wanted me to send it in for a look. He said no keep it, what's your address I'll send you a new one no charge. He appoligized for the bad collet and ask if I needed anything else. I consider that great customer service. Just thought I would share a good experience with RCBS.

NRA Life Member

** NEVER! Moon a Werewolf!!**