Another welcome Krankie!
I'll join the others in saying that at the ranges you mention, with practice, iron sights should be fine.
Another limitation not mentioned is your eyes! I'm 50 now & notice a BIG difference in what kind of sight picture I can get. When I was younger I did a lot of IPSC, steel plate,etc shooting & an 8" plate at 50 yds with good sights was not a problem at all. But, with my bifocals it's hard for to shoot well with iron sights anymore, so while I don't need magnification I do need a good aiming point. The answer for me is the red dot type sights.

One word of warning... Handgun hunting is addictive!

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."