Excellent Gregg, this has been a good night. I had a bottle of Jack and my family went to the fair and my 9 and 13 yr old daughters got their pictures taken with Eddie Money and of course alot of autographs. My thirteen year old had her hand grabbed by Eddie and his lead Guitarist while they were singing so she is pumped. Anyways I'm glad the gun is shooting like I expected it too and I have an order for a very special gun that I will start on as soon as the ATF gives me my license. So far the BATFE has cashed my check but I haven't heard anything and they did tell me they would come out to my home before issuing the FFL. I'm also getting ready to break ground in the next couple months on a new shop and gun store that will built on my property assuming of course the ATF dosn't find any issues with me. I think this gun will blow all of you away if it goes off as planned. I'm also re working my Vaquero to try something new so I'll have pics of it eventually. I would like to thank Gregg for having the faith in me to build his first custom gun and for working with me on getting it straightened out. I know how I would like to be treated if I were shoveling out the money for a custom gun and I also know how I was treated and I can promise you if the ATF comes through with my license I will go to what ever lengths necessary to build you the gun you want. If Gregg had not been able to find his magic load I was going to re work the gun which is what I'd want someone to do for me but yet when I had my guns built that didn't happen. Gregg also wanted to mess with the trigger but in the end found out i had it about as far as you could take a new model Ruger but just in case I ordered him a new hammer and trigger at my cost which I can guarantee you from experience the builder of my first custom guns would have told him too bad and bitched him out for taking it down. I started as a hobbyist and while I don't encourage too much screwing around with things I understand the desire to try and improve a design. I did the same thing with vehicles for about 22years and about 90% of the time I improved the factory design or layout and I've taken the same attitude to building Rugers. I'm not to vain to listen to a customer that may have a better idea. I've worked on everything from hugos to Ferrari's so I'm well equipped to deal with the different desires and personalities of people wanting guns built as long as they are honest and decent with me everything is cool but turn into an ass and you will get your gun and money back and a note letting you know not to darken my doorstep again. Gregg was the best kind of customer I could have asked for, he expected alot but was willing to be patient and work with someone converting from hobby to business and I'd do work for him again in a second without even debating it. In fact Gregg and I have talked about a project for the future which may interest alot of you.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist