ok guys i got a question, i decided to get a older contender instead of a g2 cause of looks an such so i found one on a gun broker an the picture shows it as white stainless or aa
an at the cost i won it at was 160 plus 10 for shiping an 20 gunfee charge i got it for 200 at that cost i was going to sell some of the stock i had to pay for it at that price i couldent pass it up, well now heres the prob i made my bid an e mailed the seller asking it if it was aa or stainless either way i dident care well he e mailed me back telling me it is blue, now looking at the pic again i emailed him back saying the picture shows it being stainless,
so what should i do at that price i was willing to buy it if it was aa or stainless but now being blued i dont think it is worth it all so it dosent have any grips or forearm, all so its a older stly were you nead a screw driver to change from center fire to rim witch again i dident care rim fire wasent an issue i got a 22 rifle for that but now im undeside should i just take the blow an get the tender or should i tell him to go with a differnt bidder cause i was mislead from the picture an see if i have to fight over it cause i am the wining bider, again i dont think it is worth the cost sence its blue
so any sugestions will help
here is the link to the frame