Just a couple of thoughts regarding your list.

1) Shorter knives. I made the same mistake as you many moons ago and went with what I than thought was a perfect knife (Buck model 119 fixed blade). Turns out that thing was a real pain in the butt to manage when field dressing an animal. I now use a shorter 3 1/2 to 4" blade and am much happier. Unless you plan on actually sticking your hog with one, take a shorter blade.

2) When hunting with a guide, I doubt you will need a machete for blazing your own trails. Not only that it will make Waaaaaay too much noise when going in. Ditch it in lieu of a good folding saw and a pair of pruners.

3) A laser rangefinder is part of what I consider required equipment, especially when handgun hunting. It is very nice to know that the animal is actually 75 yards vs. the 50 yards you guessed it at.

4) No amount of scent killer will fool the nose of a whitetail and especially not a hog. You will need to play the wind. If you are stalking, keep the wind in your face and move slowly.

5) For years I overpacked when going on hunts. I ended up dragging a bunch of stuff into the field that I never used. After several years of toting around a way too heavy pack I finally slimmed it down my to something more manageable and with only the necessities.

My short list:
a) 4" fixed blade knife
b) 3 to 4" folding knife (carried on belt sheath)
c) LED headlamp (think light and small, not something you might see on a miners hardhat)
d) LED flashlight(at least 80 lumen for tracking game, I leave this one in camp for morning hunts)
e) Very small first aid kit and a space blanket.
f) Lighter and matches
g) Partial roll of toilet paper (works for it's intended purpose should the need arise and also works as tracking markers when following a blood trail)
h) Compass (used for finding your way in/out as well as keeping on a heading when tracking wounded game)
i) 3 or 4 bow hooks (if hunting out of a treestand)

Just my $0.02.

Good luck on your hunt and have fun!