It started out as a solo attempt to get a moose with my wheelgun (45 Colt SBH Bisley Hunter). My buddy had been in the area a week before and seen a griz, last fall as well. Probably the one that got on my bait station this spring also. So, I decided I'd bring along the 325wsm "just in case" I saw the griz out at rifle range. Griz eat lots of moose. The griz population has exploded around here so Fish and Game did a way with having to buy a griz tag and a guy can shoot one per year as opposed to one every 3 or 4 years like some areas of the state. So, this hunt was also a "mission" of sorts, to hopefully get a griz out of our moose hunting area.

Well, I got back to my spot on my 4 wheeler where I was going to pitch my tent for 5 days and bingo…. I look down across my little saddle and there's mr (or mrs) griz moving away down the valley at about 500yds. I probably shagged him out of there motoring in. He took a turn and looked like maybe he was going to cross into an area I could perhaps get a crack at him so I grabbed the rifle and headed down my side of the ridge a ways. No dice, he disappeared in the brush. Okay, Mr Griz is in the house! Well, from that point forward I kept my rifle in hand in case I saw him again out past handgun range. Now enters the conundrum, I really want to call in a mature bull and get a crack at him with my wheelgun but, what if I see a little guy at rifle range and I've got the rifle in hand? I've always been a meat hunter in the sense that I will shoot the first legal one of whatever it is I'm hunting. I figure if the Lord provides opportunity and I pass it up it's not too good of an idea. I decided that if opportunity presented itself I'd stick to my ways…. fill the freezer. I did some calling, lots of glassing, saw 3 lone cows and a cow and calf. No sign of a mature bull. One night at just before dark I saw a forked/2-3 horn at 265yds, had him in the crosshairs of the 325 but did not want to lung shoot him or wound him and have to track him in the dark, in the brush, perhaps over the steep side, etc. Oh, and Mr Griz is around somewhere as well. Besides, maybe I could still get a crack at one with wheelgun. Next morning I saw a cow and cow/calf. That afternoon after awaking from my nap I was watching a cow and calf across my saddle and heating up some dinner. All of the sudden there's a little forky, moving on out at about 150yds through the old burnt black spruce. No time to stalk closer, he's on the move headed to the thick valley. Time to fill the freezer, besides, I can drive the quad right to him!

I guess I'm not quite a handgun hunter yet. After all, I did take the rifle in the field with me. I guess the wheelgun bull will have to wait another year. Looking forward to attempt black bear in the spring.

Here's my little meat bull. Nice size for one guy to handle, one 50 year old guy that is
I put the knife to him at 6:30. Had him bagged and loaded by 10:30 and took my time. My other solo bull was bigger and definitely harder to handle. Took me a little longer. Check him out, I call him a double spike, isn't he cute! Whoohoo, tasty moose for the winter! The freezer was pretty bare.

Bagged and loaded up!

Last edited by Snyd; 10/19/2010 3:08 PM.