I recently provided a presentation on handgun hunting that was taken to the Namibian Professional Hunting Association. I just received word from Marina Lamprecht, the wonderful person who presented the information, that the motion has been unanimously approved. There are still some hurdles in getting this authorized by the government but this goes a long way to getting Namibia opened up to handgun hunting in the future.

Woo Hoo!


Dear Gary

The motion was unanimously accepted by the members of the Namibian Professional Hunting Association this afternoon. The only grief that I received was for stating that handguns were more effective the archery...
So, now that we have the mandate of the members I will prepare a proposal for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Thank you so much for your invaluable assistance.
Regards from our beautiful Namibia

Last edited by Gary; 11/24/2010 5:31 PM.

You can't wait any longer. Join the NRA and start writing your Congressmen and Senators.