The first pig I shot when I started Handgun hunting pigs here in LA was a big ole dude I was shooting a 4" 44 mag S&W 29 the pig came to about 18 yds and stoped I was shooting a handloaded 180 XTP (I did not know at the time but this was the wrong bullet and load)--I shot the pig square between the shoulders and the pig shook it off --The pig ran in front of me I thumb cocked and the second shot went behind the shoulder thumb cocked again --pig still running--shot him in the butt-- thumb cocked again and missed-- Pig died about 40 yards away--

Right load for the pig --No Way

Was I ready to shoot him -- you bet and I hit him 2 of 3 time in a dead run.

Shoot your gun as much as you can--

You may be more ready then you know

If you have been shooting--you are ready

Grip it and let-r-fly

If it jams force it! If it breaks it needed replacing anyway.