I aggree with Ernie as well, don't bring a rifle and you wont be tempted. None of my friends get the handgun thing either and think I'm nuts when we go on a hunt and I bring only a handgun.I can't legaly hunt with a handgun in Manitoba so I use rifle, bow, muzzleloader here. I try to go to the United States almost every year and because I live close to the border it's easy for me to do. Of all my hunts in the USA I only brought a rifle once and it was on my first hunt. I've also regreted it since I chickened out after missing what should have been an easy shot and used the rifle. ( I think it was buck fever and would have missed with a rifle as well). So think positive and for it and don't forget have fun. (also we'll want pictures.LOL)


Enjoy your family and friends today as they may not be here tomorow.