Originally Posted By: wapitirod
by the way, Whitworth I'm not trying to hammer on you I just don't see it working that way. If it was Jack that told you that I don't know what his line of thinking is but unless I saw it on slow motion video I wouldn't believe it. If it was Jack I know he's an excellent smith and from what I've heard a really nice guy but like I said I just don't see it.

I recieved the frist 475L that Hamilton Bowen built> I had the revolver in time for the 1988 hunting season. Hamilton advised me to never shoot the revolver without cases in front of the loading gate. Hamilton stated that to do so in a non-counter sunk cylinder, combined with the heavy recoil of the 475 that damage to the load gate would and would occur. Hamilton told me that he had repaired some that this happened to