Well not only has sixshot bad mouthed me here but on several other sites. Whoa what a man of character. He says its a stunt but if I didn't have it choice its OK. You claim to have decades of long rannge handgunning. At what distance does it become a stunt? You say that long range handgunning has no place in big game hunting, luckily we have pioneers like Larry Kelly (Big 5), JD Jones, Dr. Larry Rogers (Big 5 and Hippo) Mark Hampton( sheep hunter). I have met each one of these guys and shared the same camps with all except Larry. They are all outstanding gentlemen who I am honored to say I have known. There are many who would call taking the Big 5 with a handgun (no matter the distance) a stunt. I guess that puts me in pretty good company. Ernie Bishops son has taken big game at long range( way over 750 yards) and I love the smile on Ernies face when he is watching his son do it. The distance is a matter of the shooters equipment and ability. You state on another forum that your sons are long range handgunners and you are proud of their accomplishments, I guess it would be OK if I were related to you. As far as sixguns go, I own more sixguns than most own guns. I've killed more game than you can imagine from 10 yards to 926 yards. I was always taught to do your best and push yourself to the limits. Just because you don't have the skill and ability to do it, is no reason to blast me and anybody else that can. I can tell you though, that I have had way more positive comments, than the few bad ones I have received from you and a few others like you. Gregg Richter put out a great DVD of antelope hunting with TC's at some pretty long range. I am sure that Gregg and his son started at much closer ranges and continue to practice and get better.