i really don't care what internet people do for recognition. i'm not interested or impressed personally. i figure i could do anything i wanted to bad enough. i do find myself being somewhat curious as to why one needs to back up n try it again. it doesn't make sense to me....but it doesn't have to. honestly it does make it look like a "look at me"...."look what i can do". just don't be fooled into thinking you are the only one that can/could. others just may not be interested in doing it. i'm sure there are 50yrd shots that have been just as difficult in cover etc.

everyone does enjoy different things n ideas. you can't demand that everyone agree with what you do or how you do it. i do what i want for fun, n have to answer to no one. i just assume others have similar feelings/ideas.

life is way too short to argue about silly things.

Kentucky….no place like home.