Are you saying 900 ft lbs at 400 yds isn't enough but double that at 900+ is!! I was sitting in a clump of sagebrush & the buck was standing in a dirt field, I could not get closer & thats half of your distance.
In Idaho there is a weight limit on rifles, I think its 14 lbs, my son has built 2 of the 375 Chey-Tac's & he's very good with both. I don't condone those kinds of shots & wasn't there. I gave up the single shot handguns many years ago because the challenge was gone, at least for me.
Lets don't get too far away from your post, my son didn't post his shot, he wouldn't post something like that in a million years, I did. I think I ask if that was the one & only antelope you shot at on your trip.
I've shot side by side with world champions & watched them miss easy shots, they weren't shooting at a big game animal, so no harm, no foul.
This is a post that should't have been because there's no middle ground. I think we should delete all of those who don't approve & leave the others on here.


Last edited by sixshot; 07/11/2011 8:18 PM.