I have several irons in the fire here with this post:

As a Moderator: Keep the personal critisisms meant to hurt and exploit and the accusations from other websites, OUT. Use history from this website only, and keep to topic: THE LRPV 926 Y. Stay level headed and discuss according to personal experiences and opinions, at an adult level.

As for my name being thrown in: my video does show some longer range kills but none over 250 maybe 300 yards max. My video also addresses PRACTICE, shooting positions, shooter, gun and caliber ability, bullet drop and wind drift; as well as other factors in making a clean kill.

And personally, I do have mixed feelings and many may remember the post where I said "try stalking closer" and Ernie gave me the what for on long range shooting. BTW, where are you Ernie? We have since become friends and I stayed at his house in Wyoming and filmed a video and posted it on YouTube on his son Eric making a long range kill (326 yards as I remember) on an antelope; where I also addressed some of the ethics and other details involved, in the video. I also can see and understand multiple input from both sides.

Finally, as all of the above, I would like to see this post continue as a learning experience for all.

And give all the members the chance, if they so desire and have the mettle, to give their opinons and experiences.