In response to Gregg's post above, I have no dog in this fight. I have neither the equipment, the skill, or the desire (for either) to accomplish such a shot. However, I do have strong feelings about the ethics of hunting.

I began handgun hunting some 15+ yrs ago with a contender. After adding to my inventory, I, too, became bored with the single shots & moved to revolvers. I practiced a lot & became comfortable with them. I have made a couple of shots with them that some might consider difficult. But I was comfortable with the situation & made the shots. However, I am not an expert shot and make no claim to be. Many of you on this forum are much better than I am (or will ever be).

As I continue to age, my eyes are not as good as they were, my hands are not as steady, and I probably shoot less. I find myself moving back toward hunting with the single shots because of the added measure of power and trajectory that make a clean kill easier. For me it is important to be able to "hit them where I should." I have a very good friend that is an expert shot and holds many championships. He owns every conceivable type of handgun. When he hunts, it is almost always with a single shot.

I still love my revolvers & shoot them more than the single shots. However, most of the time I use them on my steel targets. I can stretch myself all I want to on them without the possibility of a bad hit. In no way am I suggesting that anyone should or should not use the gun with which they are competent and comfortable. I am only sharing my personal conclusions. Just my $.02.

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.