Originally Posted By: sixshot
I'm going to say its sad! Save the long range stuff for small game/pests. Shooting at big game at that distance is a stunt unless you had no other choice. To say that next year you'll try for one at 1000 yds, to me at least is hunting for the wrong reasons. I have decades of long range handgunning under my belt, I know the demands of the sport but it has no place in big game hunting. If the animal is wounded, OK, no other reason. Just my opinion. "gasixgunner" why no sixgun!


Exactly my thinking too. Could not say it any better. I have done some long range target shooting with a rifle and it's not that easy either. Too many variables to fight with. A hit is great. A miss is just a hole in the paper target. But a "small" miss on an animal is sad and a great pain for this poor creature. To hunt the big five with a handgun is a total different task. A trained handgunner with the right gun and cartridge can do it, as all the great stories of different icon handgunners prove. But long range hunting (over 300yards) is very difficult and should not be pushed. As Dirty Harry once told us; a good man knows his limitations.