I have seen the video and think that gasixgunner made one hell of a shot. I don't care if anybody likes it or not. I feel the response to this forum is soooo out of hand. I can't make a shot like that and I will never try. Heck, here in NC my longest shot where I hunt is under 100 yards, but everyone may want to try to back off of their soap box. All the concern about the pain of the animal trips me out - did everyone see how fast the doe died. No pain and suffering. This is no different than traditional bow hunters vs. those that hunt w/ compound bows, or dog hunters vs. still hunters. If you don't like hunting at long distances then don't, it's really simple. I don't, not because I think it's wrong, but because I'm not good enough of a shot. I think this is like people that complain about what is on the radio or TV, if you don't like it turn it. If you don't like this type of hunting then don't it. NO need to bash this man. If you think that he is bragging so what, every picture on the bragging board is bragging, that is what it is there for. Now debate / argue over something else, this is old news now.

The Eyes are Useless, When The Mind Is Blind