I started reading about handgun hunting in the 1960`s and I know there are members that were into it much sooner then that. I read guys like Skeeter Skelton, Jeff Copper, Elmer Keith and more. In those day`s a 150yd shot with S&W 44 was something to behold. One bit of advice that came with articles on handgun hunting was to "get close and then get closer" to your animal...
Ok, lets jump foward in time and we find the scope companies making LER optics for handguns and TC making their accurate single shot and we see the range at which game is taken increased to unheard of distances. Now jump to the present and we see those same people that were shooting the TC`s have evolved their sport into what can be described as "super long range handgunning" with specialized equipment. However, the one thing that the super long range hunters and I,with my revolvers, both have to live with is making sure that the shot we take puts that animal down. If the handgunner, of either classification, can`t do that then he should not take the shot. If he does and a wounded animal gets away then thats something he has to live with and let me add that I`am sure we will never see posted on YOU Tube. If he can , and he does, then all the power to him. Just make sure you take what you shoot at and we can all live happily ever after....

Life member-NRA-SCI
Member-HHI #2900-HHASA #067
Colt-Ruger-Freedom Arms-and S&W Collector Assoc.s
"I have more guns then I need but not as many as I want" "Handgun hunters HAVE to be good"