If you stop an animals heart with the shot there will be very little blood loss. When you stop the pump pressure drops immediately.A deer dies from lack of oxygen to the brain the same as we do.If a deer has just taken in a breath they can cover 100 yards easily before the brain shuts down, with no blood trail[ no pump]. If the shot is up on the body there will be no leakage either,all the blood will pool in the body. I prefere two holes so I get that leakage. The only sure way to drop one in its tracks is to disrupt the spinal system. The bullets you show did exactly what they were designed to do,drive deep,found under skin on off side, [adaquet penetration]expanded to almost double in size and disrupt vital organs. With deer hide being so elastic it probaly stretched 6 inches on the off side ,bullet had to much frontal area to punch through.
