Interesting data - I have been looking for MacPherson's book (at reasonable prices, but have not been able to find it yet).

I agree that KE is not a reliable indicator of terminal performance, but your picture evidence is not as clear cut as you would portray it...you show exit wounds only, and not the wound channel through the organ system. Are we to assume that bullet path was the same and encountered the same structures (bone, cartilage, etc)? Also, my intuition suggests that the elk was shot with the rifle cartridge first, rendering the internals into soup - and then a follow-up shot was taken with the HC bullet, either as a finisher, or as a ballistic test...in either case, the "test" medium was drastically different from one shot to the next.

No real dog in this fight - I think both jacketed and cast have their places and best use, given the game, conditions, caliber, and weapon used.