"I love how bent out of shape you guys get when someone threatens your way of thinking","I even acknowledged that I wasn't trying to sway you from your opinion but rather offer the counter point of view for everyone to take the way they wish" so who says we weren't offering a counterpoint to your statement?

But here's one question I would like to know how you came up with the numbers for,"If you shoot an animal with a .475 cal handgun using a 400gr hardcast and the impact velocity is 1200fps your energy will be roughly 1300ftlb's. If this bullet blows straight through and exits at 1100fps then you have only transferred a little over 100ftlb's of energy. If you shoot the same animal with a 400gr jacketed and it opens correcly and exits at 400fps you have tranferred a little over 800ftlb's of energy into the animal." I would be curious to know if anyone has ever clocked the ft/s of a projectile coming out of an animal.

"If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence,try orderin' someone else's dog around" unknown cowboy