The bottom line to this post is to make people stop and think. Don't choose a bullet style because I like it or because another hunter or gunsmith likes it. Think about which bullet makes sense in your situation, and this is especially directed to newcomers of the sport. When you start using something just because someone else says so your a sheep. Think things through and try different things at the range, see what's accurate in your gun, shoot into different media and think about what the animals you hunt are really built like.

All too often some of the ego's in this sport and actually in all parts of life try to impose their beliefs and thinking on others. It happens in archery with Traditional vs Compound, light fast arrows vs slow heavy ones. Rifle hunters vs Handgun hunters, Traditional vs modern muzzleloaders. Everyone has an opinion and is entitled to that opinion but they aren't entitled to shove that on others or to be critical of others for chosing differently.

God gave you a brain so use it, collect information from many sources then go back to basics and figure for yourself and then decide what you think will work best for you. I have no problems with guys that hunt with cast if that's their thing but at the same time I don't expect to get a raft of crap as I have on this site because I point out the downfalls of a particular item or because I point out my personal experiences.

In this case I pointed out two of the most basic laws of physics and they are what they are, they don't change and they aren't negotiable. If you use common sense and really think things through the science behind what I've said is sound but as I've said more times than I can count everything no matter what it is has it's pro's and cons there is nothing in this world is perfect and that especially goes for anything man made.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist