Originally Posted By: wapitirod
LOL, I really don't care about the book my thought is based on one of the most basics laws of physics which I was schooled in thoroughly and backed up by ballisiticians and accomplished hunters. As far as the amount of a little over 100ftlbs if you look again the velocity was 1200fps and the energy 1300ftlbs so if you drop 100fps of velocity and extrapolate you get roughly 108ftlbs of energy loss if your run it through a ballistics program it shows 222ftlbs but for purposes of keeping things simple I just extrapolated. I love how bent out of shape you guys get when someone threatens your way of thinking. Why do you suppose the Geneva convention outlawed the use of expanding projectiles in all of our conventional ammo and use only fmj? Survivability, you have a better chance of surviving a hit from a non expanding bullet than an expanding.

Mark Hampton said it best in his book when he said:

"Let me point out that big cast bullets in a revolver essentially leave a half-inch diameter holes in animals but in most cases they don't kill quickly. I(Mark) have seen more than 100 head of medium-sized game shot multiple times, in the right spot, with these big, hard cast bullets, in both .44 and .45 caliber revolvers, and it never ceases to amaze me by how far the game will go afterward. Unless a shoulder or spine is broken, or a brain shot is made, the chase will be on. Honestly, a good broadhead from an arrow will kill game more quickly. All of you guys who are emotionally attached to your cast bullets for hunting, please save the phone calls, emails, and letters. A good expanding jacketed bullet such as the Hornady XTP and Winchester's Partition Gold causes more damage to vital organs and simply kills faster"
Handgun Hunting pg.15 by Mark Hampton

I also showed some of the posts from the last time we had this arguement to the ballistician at Nosler and he laughed, he is the gentleman that heads their Custom Ammo dept.

Another friend of mine that was with Leupold at the time had the same reaction. He also couldn't believe the emotional attachment to cast bullets and the inability to be open minded and civil enough to see there is more than one option and some may actually be better.

As for this McPherson guy I don't really care. I haven't read his stuff and I don't intend too. I have a strong enough applied physics background to walk on my own feet and I am more than aware that scientist seem to forget the most basic laws and tweak things to fit their agenda. Case and point global warming, you have some scientist saying it's real and man made, some say it's real but a natural cycle of the planet and others say it does not exist at all.

I started this post as an educational post but it amazes me how you guys circle the wagons when someone has a line of thought different from your own. I even acknowledged that I wasn't trying to sway you from your opinion but rather offer the counter point of view for everyone to take the way they wish. I have a very strong math and science background and I believe if you follow the numbers and the basic laws of science it's a realisitic value of the truth.

As far as KE it's only one part of the equation, I believe I mentioned the bullet had to match the load or it would fail to work properly.

All true except cast boolits work when applied properly. That is the problem most don't understand. For those that don't jacketed bullets will save you. Be aware, they also have shortcomings.
I have knocked a deer sideways off its feet, flat on it's side, with an arrow that went through the shoulder, spine and cut the ball joint in half in the other shoulder. Energy was 80 fp!
Never have I moved a deer with any bullet.