Who said anything about compromising beliefs? Your original post and the entire "energy dump" myth is fundamentally and by definition, incorrect. Where and how does this tie into principle, honor, and integrity? Are you suggesting I have sold out to the conservation of momentum camp, or do you assume that just because I am a professional engineer I work in a lab or for a corporation? This is ridiculous!

Hydraulics is a whole other discussion we can get off into, especially when working with both compressible and incompressible fluids. One can kill much quicker with a shot to the central nervous system or by causing an animal to hemmorage to death, than trying to "jelly" the innards with hydrostatic shockwaves or hydraulic pressure.

Let's not start going off on tangents to deflect attention from the original post based on a faulty understanding of physics. We have far too much smoke and mirrors going on from the current administration.