Seems to be a common thread here for trapline handguns.
RUGER!!! (Hello fellow trappers!)
I'll be the odd man here. Mine is still RUGER but it's not a revolver, it's a MK II. Mine is a 6" target model that my wife bought new for me a little over 20yrs ago last April (1st anniversary gift) so it has great sentimental value, but I kinda wish it was a shorter bull barrel. Will never get rid of the gun but may get a 4.5" Pac-Lite or some such barrell for it some day. In the meantime, she's a GREAT firearm as is. Almost hate shooting it because it reminds me how bad my NEOS trigger is.

For you south of the border Canadians (since I live in Alaska you are our brothers to the south),another hobby I have is prospecting, & I know Canadian prospectors that have permits to CARRY a handgun when in remote areas for protection & survival purposes (NOT hunting) that I believe also applies to trappers.
Probably doesn't help the avaerage Canadian much. Probably have to have a "free miner's" permit or a registered trapline to get the bush carry permit I suppose.
I am VERY thankful for our firearms freedoms here & DON'T take them for granted.

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."