The first Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt is now history. And possibly the fastest successful hunt ever for a group of handgun hunters.

After checking the handgun hunters in, going through orientation and a quick overview and partial tour of the hunting areas, the five hunters were turned loose at approx. 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8.

Since there were two pairs of hunters having arrived together, and 500WE had arrived alone, I asked if he would like me to ride along with him so he wouldn't have to hunt solo, as I was not hunting.

Even though the Wyoming weather was cold, rainy, and windy, two of the hunters scored that afternoon on their bucks, the father-son pair from North Dakota, with their XP 100's.

The other two handgunners scored early the following morning.

Ken (500WE) and I had made an unsuccessful stalk Saturday afternoon on a group that had a nice buck. I told him that I wanted to "bed them down" and then be there first thing in the a.m.

It took awhile but we finally spotted one lone (good) buck the next morning in the same area. Even though I believe we found the same herd, the bucks had left and separated for some reason.
We saw three other lone bucks; and when we had left that herd the night before, it had about six bucks in it but only one this a.m.

We engineered a stalk and it worked perfectly, even for the filming. Ken made a good shot and I got it on film.

The time was a little before noon.

Five handgun hunters, five antelope bucks, about 20 hours. And I had booked it as a 3 1/2 day hunt!

Now let's hear from 500WE and the others!