Here's the load I use for my Old Army.
Buffalo Bullet 190 and Triple 7

They're incredibly accurate and strong.

In fact right in the manual Ruger states that you can't overload it.... Hard to believe they'd say that....

I had a first production run Old Army but collectors finally pried it from my hands...

Now I have one of the new stainless models.

I suggest you never shoot anything but Triple Seven in it and you can clean it in 5 minutes with WD-40 rather than an hour with soap and water.

As far as I can tell Triple Seven won't harm a firearm any more than modern smokeless powders and the folks at Hodgdon seem to agree.

*** EDIT *** I just realized that someone might think that I mean you can load an Old Army with modern smokeless powders... YOU CAN'T!!! I'm talking about corrosion and rust!


Last edited by LDHunter; 09/12/2005 8:55 AM.