I think SCI is the only ones doing anything and I don't know much about that, Gregg or Gary would know more. Gary had talked about another award but I never heard anything else about it. As far as awards go it's hard to keep things on an even playing field when you think about the different access some of us have to different areas and the difference between those that can afford big dollar hunts compared to those who may be just as good a hunter but not as fortunate financially and have to hunt shoulder to shoulder on public land. You would have to have different classes although it's a similiar thing with B&C and P&Y.

Last edited by wapitirod; 12/30/2011 10:13 PM.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist