I have seen a 44 Mag not penetrate a black bear because the shooter didn't use a hardy enough bullet...

Dead Horse...

You can kill it with a 22. This is a God Bless America free public handgun forum where we all have different backgrounds and ideas. If we all came from the same mold than we would all drive the same truck in the same color and live in the same neat little white picket fenced in neighborhoods...

I am sorry, but I have seen a lot of this lately and I guess I a just getting grouchy on my meds... But were are not out on the Crusades to convert the world here. I am glade we have so many passionate hunters out there, but enough is enough...

My theory professor in college stated that he had to be careful with his verb-age. Like all the other arts, music has its “rules” for part writing for each century giving the cartelistic of each genera. When ever my Prof made a statement of, “they didn’t use this,” or “this wasn’t in place yet,” he always had “A” student find an exception to the rule in the library that made the Prof eat his words. So that goes back to how anal do you want to be???

This also reminds me of the time I shot a doe with a 22-250. I didn’t do it just to say it could be done, I really wasn’t expecting a deer to come out while I was varmint hunting. But the flip side to that coin is that I shot the deer in the head at the base of the neck.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb
Benjamin Franklin