I'm sure if I think hard there are several..

My most recent was Turkey season 2011. Unfortunately someone WAS there. I was in a blind hunting with my long time buddy. Called a gobbler into range from my right side. We sit in a pop up blind on small folding stools. I had to turn at an odd angle to shoot the bird as he came across in front of us. I took careful aim and fired. When my buddy turned to me to give me a "high five" all he saw were my boots. That 3 1/2" 12 gauge rolled me off of that stool and I was flat on my back with my feet straight in the air. Laying there looking up at him, all I could say was "I must have gotten him eh?"

I have had one with a release go off on my bow but was not hunting. Mine was a rope release and the rope broke. I am not sure how long I was laying in the dirt and never found my arrow. When I got up, my bow was a few feet away and I had dried blood on my nose and upper lip, so I must have been knocked out for a bit. Now THAT one I was glad no one saw!
