I think you guys are hitting the nail on the head. And I would expound on the points about interest and seasons. State Game departments do not create special seasons or modify regulations because they are in the "mood". It takes pressure from folks or organized groups to get laws changed. Granted we have pretty good laws across the boards recognizing and allowing handgun hunting, but I am pretty sure that the good folks here can find examples that create barriers in some states.

And I agree that one of the primary reasons for expanding archery and muzzle loader seasons is the better weather, less folks in the woods, and equipment that makes it easier to start and do. But both of these groups also have lots of folks who lobby their Game Departments. Wanna guess why cross bows are generally put in firearm seasons, or places like Colorado seem to fall on the less techno side of muzzle loading rules?

The more the merrier, if you ask me and I would go further and say that without more interest it is going to continue to be a bit of a struggle for goodies and sesible seasons and laws. Things really are better than the past, but that does not address the potential.


Northern born and Southern bred